Parexlanko 232 Parinjection used in Rising Damp & Concrete Repair works


Located in the seaside town of Tramore Co. Waterford, this two-storey terraced house recently required substantial concrete repair works.
Upon inspection by contractor Paul Welch of Damp Zone, significant rising damp issues were identified. Two 5-meter-long walls were discovered to both contain rising damp issues, while the second also had penetrating damp. This was due to the higher ground level outside alongside the wall. The ground level on the outside was coursed by a road which butted up against these walls. Due to limitations and location of the site, it was decided to drill and fill both sides of the wall using Parexlanko 232 Parinjection. Following this, Parexlanko 228 Lankolastic, used for protection and water proofing was applied to the inside wall. This wall was then built up with block wall and insulation.



232 Parinjection – Damp proof course injection liquid, suitable for injection by gravity or injection pump.

Product Features:

  • A damp proof course injection liquid, which is a water repellent surface active type product. Following injection, it forms a watertight barrier to block rising damp in masonry walls.
  • Contains fungicide and antifungal agents
    to protect against nitric acid and fungi.
  • Suitable for injection by gravity or using
    an injection pump.
  • Operating temperature range for use: + 5°C to + 35°C.


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