Flashings - Precisely designed essentials

Flashings are essential as the weather proofing component between roof windows and roofing material. Sealing and weather proofing a roof window with the right flashing can make the difference between a high performing, energy efficient, warm, cosy building and one with compromised thermal efficiency allowing drafts and loss of heat. Flashings also provide good drainage away from the roof window and protection from the elements. Our range of flashings are manufactured with the highest quality, durable materials to ensure a highly efficient weather proofing solution is delivered every time.

Our flashings can be used with all types of roof windows including centre-pivot roof windows, top-hung roof windows and raised axis roof windows.

Our Roof windows can be installed in the roof structure at three different levels:

Flashings are categorised accordingly. The last third letter of the flashing type code indicates the depth at which the roof window can be fitted. Specific flashings are available for less common roof coverings, e.g. some flat roofing materials-Flashing EL & EG, and flat sheet metal roofs-flashing EE.

For example flashing EZV means:
E – flashing
Z – types of the roofing material
V – level of installation

Learn more about our range of flashings