DAFA AirStop System
Our Airtightness systems are the most efficient and reliable on the market. Manufactured by Dafa, a world leader in designing high performance sealing, absorption and protection products, our signature system, AirStop, supports the latest design in sustainable construction and energy efficiency, including Passive House standards. The AirStop system is the most well thought out system of vapor barrier solutions on the market.
The Dafa AirStop system consists of strong foils, vapor barriers and a comprehensive range of accessories to ensure optimum airtightness in your building. Used together, they guarantee the building is airtight. The decisive factor for sustainable building. The system can include plinth seal and sill foils, internal wall vapor barriers, window and door lining solutions, cable collars, vent/pipe collars, rafter collars, corner accessories and Dafa tape.
DAFA Airstop System is the guarantee for the good performance of your thermal insulation. It not only prevents the internal moisture from penetrating the thermal insulation, which can cause enormous problems (condensation, mold, etc.), but also prevents the air layer in the thermal insulation from remaining stable, which improves the energetic performance of the Building and living comfort increased.
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